Tuesday, 13 August 2013

More features !

Once I had set the idea of having a Raspberry PI, I started thinking of extra features I could add to my box. The question I asked is "what do I need a computer for, but does bother me to turn it on ?"

Weather forecast

This feature came quite naturally, because the box is supposed to manage the temperature inside the house, so having the information about the temperature outside and the forecast is very relevant. It also resolves the problems of "What am I going to wear today ? What will the weather like ?"

Technically, it is not very complicated to retrieve a weather forecast from any web service, and display it. After some research, I choose Weather Underground which is the provider of The Weather Channel. They offer a very complete and easy access to their data. They also have stations everywhere in the world for the real-time weather, and there is one at some kilometers of my house. You can query it 500 times a day freely, which is good enough !

Music in the bathroom

When I get up on saturday morning, I really enjoy turning on the music and taking a shower. However, not everybody at home like it, and I have to lower the volume so I don't hear anything. The idea is to buy some cheap desktop speakers, fix them at the ceiling in the bathroom, and connect them directly to the audio output of the Raspberry.
I have a NAS where all my music is stored, so I can access it easily by network. A shuffle play will be good enough !

Now all the features are described, I will present the (big) connection map of all the components, next time !